10 September 2007

Barristas at Starbucks on Country Club and Speedway are not snooty, make quality product.

Keep up with me now - I made the title of this post say the exact opposite of what is true. It's called irony, I think. Because every time I go to the Starbucks on Speedway and Country Club, without fail the barrista always looks down her nose at me as if she is curing cancer back there behind her cash register, and fifteen minutes later hands me a beverage that is either too weak or too bitter.

Unfortunately I don't go to Starbucks enough that boycotting them and putting away the $4 I would have spent on each latte will itself add up to the $19,900 we need to buy the house on Baxter St - but if you can go without a caramel macchiato this morning, send that $4 our way!

If only 4,975 people donated the cost of a Starbucks beverage to our website today, we'd be buying that house tomorrow! Think about it - money adds up.

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